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Expand On This - Creative Writing Prompts

Expand On This - Creative Writing Prompts

Website displaying a random ‘What if…?’ style creative writing prompt from a list of over 200 at time of posting. These are mostly appropriate for any age from KS2 up, but they’re a bit off the wall in places and obviously it might be an idea to look in advance to pick one you like for your particular class/group. They’re often quite weirdly specific but open enough that they can take it where they want, come up with different causes for the situation (technology? politics? magic?), decide whether it is permanent or temporary, and think about what else might therefore be different in a world with this scenario. I come up with way more silly world-building ideas than I’d ever write myself, so I’ve been sticking them on a spreadsheet, and set up a website that displays one at random. There is also a link on there that takes you through to a Google Sheets spreadsheet that displays three random prompts at a time and refreshes every 60 seconds, if you want to see more prompts more quickly. The direct website link is http://expandonthis.blogspot.com